Mrs. Kuki's Educational Arena


"You have brains in your head.           
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And you are the guy
Who'll decide where you go." -- Dr. Seuss,
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

I am an educator and a researcher  for various strands of  classroom teaching and educational domains. Teaching has been my passion though it is lot of hard work but in intensely rewarding. Growth and development are universal laws, which govern the nature in all aspects. Knowledge is indeed vital for the progress of an individual. But what is more important than knowing and learning is unlearning, to learn more. I realized that it is always not what you know that matters, rather what matters the most is what all you want to know more. As a future teacher and an individual I became conscious of the fact that thoughts are supreme, and success starts with thoughts. They are the most potent, powerful and prime source of success. For thoughts to blossom into success they should be combined with definitiveness of purpose, perseverance and a pulsating desire to translate them into action, which indeed is my objective in life.

This website is an insight into my classrooms for parents, teachers and students. It will host a collection of my work over the past decade that I have spent with students and teachers across all broad range of skills.